
A person is eligible for official membership if they are a resident, own property, or own a business in Nob Hill. Please consider donating $20 or more to your neighborhood association – donations support our work!

Membership Donation
Your Name or Business

Your donation goes to:

  • Our Spring and Fall Newsletter
  • website
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Advocacy in City Planning
  • Preserving Nob Hill’s Historic Character
  • Architecture Walks
  • Information and Assistance with Tax Credits for Historic Homes
  • Restoring Our Tree Canopy
  • Enhancing Neighborhood Safety
  • Advocating for Road Safety Improvements

The membership year runs from one September Annual members’ meeting to the next. If dues are paid before June 1st membership ends at the Annual members’ meeting in September; after June 1st, membership ends at the Annual meeting in the next calendar year.

The benefits of official membership are the right to vote at the annual member’s meeting and eligibility to serve on the board of directors. However, dues support a number of the activities of the NHNA including the newsletter, the website, the email list, and outreach events.

To check your dues status email treasurer 

Join today! Provide your name, address, email, telephone, and check to Nob Hill Neighborhood Association, PO Box 4875, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87196. You may also pay with Paypal, below.

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