Board of Directors

Directors are elected to 2 year terms at the annual member’s meeting in September. The board for program year 2024 is:

  1. President: Gary Eyster – term ending 2025
  2. Secretary: Bill Ashford – term ending 2024
  3. Treasurer: Taylor Lieuwen – term ending 2025
  4. Jeff Hoehn – term ending 2024
  5. Lucille Long – term ending 2024
  6. Daniel Carlos – term ending 2025
  7. Greg Weirs – term ending 2025

Our bylaws permit up to 15 directors. If a vacancy occurs during the year the board may elect a candidate for a term expiring at the next annual member’s meeting. There are no such vacancies at present.

We encourage neighbors to express ideas and concerns to

What we do – an informal crash course

Board meetings – All are welcome at Nob Hill Neighborhood Association (NHNA) board meetings. These focus on business facing the association more than social time or educational programs. The Board employs a deliberative process to develop association positions on pending CABQ council action and planning questions including requests for zoning variances, liquor license requests, and planned development projects. The timing of the meeting (and early Thursday of the month) is based on the schedule of the City’s Zoning Hearing Examiner. Neighborhood problems and opportunities are discussed (examples:Lead-Coal Safety Brigade, cross walks on Central Ave., seeking investments in neighborhood needs). Occasionally, guest speakers discuss topics of neighborhood interest or request our assistance or support for their concerns.

Outreach events – Outreach events are designed specifically for neighborhood participation. Neighbors meet up, enjoy some food, and then hear information on a specific topic and explore possible actions.

Newsletter – The newsletter is produced every fall and spring. The fall newsletter has a fairly strict deadline because it is the official announcement of the annual members’ meeting in September. The spring newsletter is usually distributed around the beginning of April. The Board of directors supervises and contributes content to the newsletter, but a volunteer committee does most of the work – identifying stories and finding authors, identifying and contacting advertisers, layout, and organizing distribution (significantly reduces the cost of the newsletter compared to mailing).

Finances – The board of directors is responsible for proper expenditure and accounting for of association funds. Our primary income sources are member dues and advertising revenue for the newsletters. We receive donations from individuals and businesses (often tied to specific activities). We applied for and received grants from the county of Bernalillo to help celebrate Nob Hill’s 100 birthday in 2016. Most of our activities are financially self-supporting, particularly the newsletter and the annual Ice Cream Social.

Focus Areas- The board constantly considers problems and opportunities facing Nob Hill. These are channeled to one of the 6 focus area committees who explore actions we can take. Committees may take some actions themselves or may recommend actions to the board.

Neighborhood associations receive announcements of requests involving liquor licenses that will result in a hearing by the CABQ Liquor Hearing Officer and are invited to express support or opposition. NHNA is developing a written policy on these.

Property owners seeking special exceptions to zoning ordinances are required to contact neighborhood associations and associations may express support or opposition. We consider these at board meetings. The applicant is asked to present their request and after questions and discussion the Board votes to support or oppose the request. The chair of the Design and Planning Committee writes a letter to the Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) describing the request, the Board’s deliberations, and position. Sometimes the ZHE agrees with the Board, and other times does not. In any case, while the Board provides input to the ZHE decision, the decision is ultimately made by the ZHE. If the applicant cannot be reached or does not present their case at the Board meeting, the Chair writes a letter to the ZHE requesting a deferral; this is usually granted.

The Board discusses actions before city bodies, such as the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) and the Land Use Planning and Zoning (LUPZ) Committee of City Council and may express positions on such actions.

Points of Contact – The Board maintains contacts with various City, County, State and Federal elected officials, as well as various city departments. These interactions allow the association to communicate neighborhood issues and concerns to these representatives, and the various officials and organizations to communicate with their constituents.

Related organizations – Nob Hill Main Street is a preservation-based economic development program that focuses on Central Ave. from Girard to Washington. District 6 coalition comprises neighborhood associations in city council District 6, represented by Councilor Pat Davis. NHNA works with these organizations on matters of shared interest.

Other forums – Board members may represent the association in other meetings on neighborhood issues. These have included Lobo Development public input meetings on new UNM residence halls, city meetings on the Girard Blvd. Complete Streets Master Plan, and MRCOG meetings on the UNM/CNM/Sunport transit study.

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