Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Annual Members’ Meeting

The Nob Hill Neighborhood Association annual member’s meeting is one of your main sources for community news and giving your input about what we should be working on to improve life in Nob Hill. Enjoy the food, see old friends, meet new friends, and be heard.

Members will elect directors to lead our association. Perhaps this is the time for you to serve in that way. Terms are two years. Meetings are once a month. Directors are asked to serve on one active committee. Step up by emailing the address below. We will also accept nominations of members at the meeting. Be sure you are a paid up member before or at the beginning of the meeting to serve. Reach out to Treasurer Paulette to follow up.

Most of our work is accomplished by active committees. Perhaps contributing in this way works for you. Participating in events like the annual meeting is another good way to take part. The more of us who contribute the more we can accomplish.

Enter the drawing for door prizes including shade trees at the end of the meeting. Email ideas to or call incoming president, Jeff Hoehn, at (505) 506-9327.