Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Historic Nob Hill Neighborhood Survey Findings

Last semester architecture students scoured Nob Hill on assignment for a course at UNM School of Architecture and Planning. Professor Steven Moffson, State and National Register Coordinator for the NM Historic Preservation Division, assigned them the early steps needed to see a neighborhood listed as a historic district in the New Mexico Register of Cultural Places.

They collected reams of data for a National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form including historic context: “an organizing structure for interpreting history that groups information about historic properties which share a common theme, common location, and common period”; a big job and a great favor to Nob Hilleños as this would otherwise cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Professor Moffson will present results to the community on October 12. He says the data for 1925 Granada Heights and 1945 Broadmoor have been analyzed to the level where the districts qualify for listing. The community can then explore the next steps in listing one or both neighborhoods as historic districts. He says 1916 University Heights looks positive but needs additional work to be ready for submittal.

Steven notes that listing is “all carrot and no stick”. It is an honor denoting a district that has been professionally evaluated and found worthy of preservation. It does not restrict owners from doing what they wish with their property inside or out. Property owners who learn the value of an area’s historic character are often inspired to be good stewards, maintaining the architectural principles of the original development, particularly on the outside of the home.

Owners of most properties in a registered district can claim New Mexico tax credits for qualifying, pre-approved work and can purchase a plaque noting their house’s contribution to the district.

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Join Zoom Meeting Oct 12, 2021 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada

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