Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Historic Preservation in Nob Hill, Expert to Speak, a website dedicated to report cards for cities, schools, and neighborhoods, has named Nob Hill the most charming place to live in Albuquerque – earning an A+ for livability. The majority of U.S. neighborhoods deemed most desirable (U.S. News and World Report, Niche, Forbes) have historic structures or districts in their descriptions. But that character can be eroded if not sensitively maintained and protected.

Nob Hill has several buildings and a large district listed in the National Register of Historic Places and others likely qualified for listing.   A prime way to maintain the desirability of Nob Hill is to maintain and preserve that historic character.

Since 1984, homeowners in Nob Hill have used the New Mexico State Income Tax Credit for Preservation of Cultural Properties to rehabilitate over 70 houses.  Administered by the NM Historic Preservation Division, the 50% state income tax credit is available to owners of historic buildings who complete qualified, pre-approved rehabilitation.  Info at

Your neighborhood association will host Albuquerque’s senior historic preservation planner, Leslie Naji, on November 6. Come learn what it means to have a historic property, how to remodel your historic house sensitively, how to qualify for tax credits, and how we can work together to be good stewards of the historic character of Nob Hill.

The event will take place at the 1939 Jones Motor Company, today repurposed as Kelly’s Brewpub. Your questions and ideas are welcome,

Appetizers provided by the neighborhood association, cash bar

6:30-8:30 pm

Presentation, 7pm