Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Nob Hill Board of Directors Meet

Do you have ideas or concerns about you neighborhood?

Would you like to have a voice in your association’s focus?

All are welcome at this not-too-formal meeting. Agenda:

-Introductions; All present are invited to share interests or concerns

-Establish quorum; 3 of 4 directors are necessary to conduct business

-Changes to Agenda, if any

-Meeting standards generally accepted by the community

PRESENTATION: Discussion with Angelica Archuleta Romero, Mayor’s office

REQUEST TO CABQ  PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Monte Vista Christian Church requests Zone Map Amendment-EPC for the classroom building and house on Campus Blvd. from R-1B with Special Use Permit for Church and Related Facilities (including educational) to MX-T. The church wishes to sell these buildings to Elevation Children’s Center which is currently leasing them and this requires the children’s center to have its own zoning.


– We currently have 4 directors. Our bylaws call for 6 and allow the board to appoint directors to serve until the next annual meeting to get to that number.

– NHNA will partner with Nob Hill Main Street to host a free hot chocolate service and neighborhood gathering spot on the patio at Scalo Restaurant for Shop n Stroll Dec. 5; final planning; Details at

-How can NHNA advance progress on the 3715 Silver Green Storm Water Project?

-Participatory Budgeting by Councilor Rogers for her $1.5 M discretionary capital improvement funds


-Dec. 12; meeting with Titan Dev’t to update community on its redevelopment of the Hiway House to a new hotel. Details at


– Minutes of November board meeting

– Treasurer’s report of 2024-12

UPDATES FROM PARTNERS -Nob Hill Main Street, Chris Smith

-District 6 Coalition, Greg Weirs

FOCUS COMMITTEE REPORTS: All community members are welcome on all committees. Email to step up or recommend action.

– Newsletter

– Helping Hilleños Help the Unhoused

– Tree Canopy

– Urban Planning, which includes Morningside Park

– Public Safety which includes Lead/Coal
– Historic Preservation

– Community Engagement

DIRECTOR WRAP UP, ADJOURN next meeting Jan. 7 (tentative)