Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Exploring Possible Listing of University Heights as Historic District

Neighbors are exploring possible listing of University Heights as a historic district in the NM and National Registers. An information meeting will be March 14, 6:30 pm at Immanuel Presbyterian Church. Enter at the door on Silver Ave SE and proceed to the Sanctuary. Thank you, Immanuel leaders and members, for sharing your lovely venue. 

Steven Moffson, NM Historic Preservation Division coordinator for state and national registers, will present. He will inform people about registration, let them know registration is possible, share the process, and gauge public sentiment. If a district is listed in the state register it is commonly referred for registration in the national register.

He points out if the area is listed as a historic district in the NM Register it would open up the NM 50% State Income Tax Credit for preservation of properties that contribute to the historic character of the district. Those houses would also be eligible to display the NM Register plaque.

He also points out that listing of a district in one or both registers does not require property owners to follow preservation standards when working on their properties unless they wish to use the tax credit program. 

Nob Hill Neighborhood Association is organizing the meeting in cooperation with University Heights Association and SE Heights Neighborhood Association. These are the 3 associations that cover the 1906 University Heights and 1916 University Heights. Please forward this to your members and to anyone with a possible interest. The wider participation we get this night the better. 

If you have questions about listing or its process reach out to Steven at

 If you have feedback or other questions reach out to