Lead and Coal Safety

Request for Input

As of February 2025, the NHNA is considering options to pursue to improve safety on Lead and Coal avenues, and we need the input of our members for these decisions. Please consider the RSA and Traffic Study information below.

The data in the references below are “real world”: data collection is not perfect, sometimes several factors are convolved making it difficult to attribute cause and effect, and traffic (in general) shows significant variability. Nevertheless, it is the best data available.

Please send feedback to theboard@nobhill-nm.com. We will also try to answer any questions you send.

Recent Chronology

The Road Safety Audit (RSA) was a week-long study of Lead and Coal Safety in 2022 by a team of six experts. The RSA examined speed and crash data and the conditions along the roadway. The RSA identified 19 “Findings” (specific issues) and gave each a letter grade based on crash frequency and crash severity. The RSA also listed “Recommendations” (35 in total) to address the Findings.

RSA Slides. RSA Report.

The Lead-Coal Working Group was formed in the fall of 2022 to respond to the RSA. The Mayor’s Office of the City of Albuquerque organized the Working Group meetings and invited representatives from various city departments as appropriate. The community was represented by participants from the Lead-Coal Safety Brigade, the University Heights Neighborhood Association (UHNA), and the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association (NHNA).

For several of the top RSA Recommendations, the city required a traffic study to examine the impacts on surrounding neighborhood streets and arterials. The traffic study was carried out by Lee Engineering from April-December 2024. The study was primarily to examine three Recommendations: reduction of the speed limit from 30mph to 25 mph, converting Lead and Coal to two-way streets, and converting Lead and Coal to a single lane. Lee held three public meetings.

Slides from December 2024, November 2024, and September 2024.

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