September 30, 6:00 pm, Zoom
- 5:50 pm. Meeting room open
- Nickelle and David play Celtic fiddle and guitar
- Join the Chat if you like.
- 6:03 Welcome
- Opening thoughts by Nob Hill poet Tony Hunt
- 6:10 Introduce directors
- 6:15 Introduce elected leaders
- 6:23 Breakout rooms begin
- In focus rooms committees
- share their work
- celebrate accomplishments
- collect input about work members would like
- if members would like to help
- 6:40: Return to Main Room
- 6:42 Treasurer’s report
- Establish quorum (20 paid members)
- 6:45 How we communicate
- 6:47 Members’ Survey
- 6:50 6 focus areas; All are welcome on committees
- Sign up for NM Register of Cultural Places plaque, drawing Oct. 8; Link:
- Volunteering: The more who engage the more we can accomplish
- 7:00 Election of directors
- –Tonight is when we elect directors who lead our association’s work.
- –We can have up to 15 directors. 7 directors elected last September will continue to September 2021. Tonight we can elect up to 8.
- –This service takes a minimum of 4 hours a month for board meetings and meeting prep plus the work you would do if you join one or more of the committees that do the work in our 6 focus areas. Our bylaws require that you be a paid up member before being elected.
- Introduce members who have submitted their names before tonight’s meeting. 30 second introduction and statement of their interests on the board.
- –Take names from the floor.
- –Treasurer qualify nominees
- –Vote on directors
- Recognize members who distribute newsletters
- 7:10 Drawing for trees from Rehm’s; must be present to win.
- Close