Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting, April 11th, 2013

Nob Hill Neighborhood Association
April 11, 2013 Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
St Marks on the Mesa Church, 431 Richmond Pl NE
(enter on the east or west side of the building)



  1. Call to Order, Determine a quorum
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of March Meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Marty Ennis
  5. Introduction of Guests – Tymn Waters


  1. Copa Cabana
  2. Drag racing and noise on Coal Ave


Notices below are reprinted from the Zoning Hearing Examiner’s Agenda, they are for the convenience of the NHNA board agenda, and they do not replace those on that actual agenda. Any discrepancies refer to the actual agenda.

  1. Project 1009569 – 13zhe-80425, ANGELA AND CARLOS PACHECO ( GRETCHENWELCH, AGENT) request for a special exception to Section 14-16-3-19(A)(2)(a) a VARIANCE of 3’ to the allowed 3’ for an existing 6’ fence in the front yard setback area for all or a portion of Lot 8  Block 7, BROADMOOR ADDN zoned -1 located on #)# FONTANA PL NE (K-17)
    Note: we already voted not to support this request at the 14 March meeting. Related item in reports (13).
  2. Project# 1009562 – 13ZHE-80419 BISTRO CONCEPTS LLC d/b/a B2B BISTRONOMY (KALM LAW FIRM, KARL KALM AGENT) requests a special exception to Section 14-16-2-17 (B) (19) and page 90, 1. General Rules of the Nob Hill Highland Sector Development Plan: a CONDITIONAL USE to allow a proposed brewery in the CCR-1 zone for all or a portion of Lot(s) 8. Block(s)2, MONTE VISTA ADDN zoned CCR-1, located on 3118 CENTRAL AVE SE (K-16)
  3. Project# 1009562 – 13ZHE-80443 BISTRO CONCEPTS LLC d/b/a B2B BISTRONOMY (KALM LAW FIRM, KARL KALM AGENT) requests a special exception to Page 3, Section 1 (B) (B) of the Nob Hill Highland Sector Development Plan: a CONDITIONAL USE for alcohol sales of beer for off premise consumption for all or a portion of Lot(s) 8. Block(s)2, MONTE VISTA ADDN zoned CCR-1, located on 3118 CENTRAL AVE SE (K-16)
  4. Project# 1009581 – 13ZHE-80432 LES RAMIREZ (SEMLER CONSTRUCTION LLC., JOSEPH SEMLER AGENT) request(s) A SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO Section 14-16-2-6(E)(4)(a) and 14-16-3-3(A)(3)(b); a VARIANCE of 2’ to the required 5’ sideyard setback for a proposed addition for all or a portion of Lot(s) 18, Block(s) 37, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS zoned R-1, located on 413 BRYN MAWR DR SE (K-16)
  5. Project# 1009435 – 13ZHE-80435 JACQUELINE KEEPERS request(s) a special exception to Section 14-16-2-6(B)(14)(a)(1) a CONDITIONAL USE to allow a proposed 5’ wall in front setback area 14’ back from curb face for all or a portion of Lot(s) 12, Block(s) 10. BROADMOOR ADDN zoned R-1, located on 401 WASHINGTON ST NE (K-16)


  1. Meeting with the Pacheco 9 or 10 April 2013 (related to item 8)
  2. Sector Plan Meeting 8 April 2013
  3. Main Street Liaison and Sector Plan review task force – Greg, Tymn, Susan, Adrian; Meeting at O’Niell’s earlier today
  4. Newsletter Committee – Beverly
    2. QR code and PayPal
  5. District 6 Coalition Report – Ron
  6. Route 66 stakeholders meeting 20 March – Ron
  7. Federation of University Neighborhoods (FUN) Report – Greg
  8. Communications Committee – Greg
  9. Upcoming Outreach Events – Lainie; (No report at this time, news to be sent via email.)
  10. Board member information – Greg
  11. Public Official Contacts – Marshall; note to state rep Sheryl Stapleton


  1. Girard Complete Streets Master Plan discussion
  2. UNM public lecture 15 April Research and Economic Development
  3. Great American Clean Up
  4. update on ABQ Brewery – Washington (Tymn)
  5. Earth Day at the COOP 21 April
  6. zoning hearing official ordering us to work on a solution (letter)


  1. Facilitated meeting about gas bar at Carrows site (Zuni – San Mateo) – Anne
  2. Amherst Green – Jo Cook
  3. Lori Finley’s parking sign
  4. MRCOG – UNM/CNM/Sunport transit study update
  5. BRT
  6. De Anza project update
  7. Crime Meeting report
  8. Parole office
  9. Airport noise
  10. Ice cream get together rather than BBQ
  11. Adjournment:  Next meeting, 9 May 2013

Future board dates: 13 June; 11 July; 8 August; 12 September