Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting, August 8, 2013


Nob Hill Neighborhood Association
11 July 2013 Board Meeting, 6:30pm
Monte Vista Christian Church

  1. Call to Order, Determine a quorum
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of past Meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Marty Ennis
  5. Introduction of Guests, sign-up sheets – Tymn Waters


  1. BRT update – Bruce Rizzieri
  2. Golden Spike Apartments on Silver – Rick Goldman and Stace McGee

UP COMING HEARINGS: (10 minutes)

Notices below are reprinted from the Zoning Hearing Examiner’s Agenda, they are for the convenience of the NHNA board agenda, and they do not replace those on that actual agenda. Any discrepancies refer to the actual agenda.

  1. None


  1. Sector Plan review task force – additional comments after Maggie presentation.
  2. EPC review Revolver
  3. Upcoming Outreach Events: Annual Meeting
  4. Past Outreach events – Ice Cream Night Out
  5. Newsletter Committee – Beverly
  6. District 6 Coalition Report – Ron
  7. Federation of University Neighborhoods (FUN) Report – Greg
  8. Public Official Contacts –Marshall
  9. Communications Committee – Greg


  1. A. APD substation (Phil Chacon, SE substation) will have its Annual Officer Appreciation Day lunch to show our appreciation for the work of the approximately 230 officers and staff on Monday, Sept. 9, from 12 noon to 3 pm, in the east parking lot. The substation is located at 800 Louisiana SE (at Kathryn SE, across from Van Buren Middle School).

    This is a great opportunity for you, your neighborhood association, or your business to participate in showing your appreciation by:

    1. attending,
    2. donating toward the cost of the food for the officers and neighborhood assns. and /or
    3. assisting with serving


  1. MRCOG – UNM/CNM/Sunport transit study update/ BRT
  2. Girard Complete Streets Master Plan discussion
  3. Loop Road at Jefferson MS – Anne
  4. secretary roles adoption – Greg
  5. updates to Social Media – Sofia
  6. Parole office  
  7. Drag racing on Coal Ave – noise
  8. De Anza project
  9. Route 66 stakeholders meeting 20 March – Ron
  10. Amherst Green – Jo Cook
  11. Airport noise
  12. Adjournment:  Next meeting, 12 September 2013
  13. Future board dates: 10 October, 14 November, 12 December