Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting, July 11th, 2013


Nob Hill Neighborhood Association
11 July 2013 Board Meeting, 6:30pm
Monte Vista Christian Church

  1. Call to Order, Determine a quorum
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of Most Recently Posted Minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Marty Ennis
  5. Introduction of Guests, sign-up sheets – Jim Pinkston

UP COMING HEARINGS: (10 minutes)

Notices below are reprinted from the Zoning Hearing Examiner’s Agenda, they are for the convenience of the NHNA board agenda, and they do not replace those on that actual agenda. In the event of discrepancies refer to the actual agenda.

  1. Project #1009737 – 13ZHE-80559 – Sylvia Dorato requests a special exception to Page 107 SU-2/SFHD of the NOB HILL HIGHLAND SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN and Section 14-16-2-6(E)(4): a VARIANCE of 3’ to the required 5’ side yard setback area for a proposed addition for all or a portion of Lot 23, Block 5, COLLEGE VIEW ADDN zoned SFHD R-1, located on 305 Hermosa DR NE (K-16)


  1. Main Street Liaison and Sector Plan review task force – Greg, Tymn, Susan, Adrian
  2. Newsletter Committee – Beverly
  3. District 6 Coalition Report – Ron
  4. Route 66 stakeholders meeting – Ron
  5. Federation of University Neighborhoods (FUN) Report – Greg
  6. Communications Committee – Greg
  7. Upcoming Outreach Events – No report at this time, news to be sent via e-mail
  8. Board member information – Greg
  9. Public Official Contacts – Marshall


  1. A. Girard Complete Streets Master Plan discussion
  2. B. Board membership
  3. C. Bylaws
  4. D. neighbors@nobhill
  5. E. National Night Out


  1. Amherst Green – Jo Cook
  2. Lori Finleye’s parking sign
  3. MRCOG – UNM/CNM/Sunport transit study update
  4. BRT
  5. De Anza project update
  6. Crime Meeting report
  7. Parole office
  8. Ice cream get together rather than BBQ

Adjournment: Next meeting, 8 August 2013
Future board dates: 12 September