Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Minutes of May 4 Board Meeting

NHNA BOARD, Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 6:30 PM, Monte Vista Christian Church


-Introductions; All present were invited to share ideas and concerns.

Community members Flora Silva, Bill Ashford, Damian Lara, and Adam Squire attended.

-Establish quorum; the board has 11 directors; 6 constitute a quorum.

Gary Eyster, Jeff Hoehn, Greg Weirs, Rahim Kassam, Dominic Pettine, and Taylor Lieuwen were present, so there was a quorum.

-Additions, Deletions, Approve agenda

            No changes. Greg moved; Rahim seconded. Passed unanimously.

-Officer’s reports, standards for meetings generally accepted by the community


-Should NHNA initiate any action relative to parking in the business district?

Gary placed the item on the agenda because the community showed much interest in it on the list serve. No one from the community was present for this particular item.

The board discussed the issue anyway. The overall sense is that parking will become more of an issue, with new establishments moving in and IDO not requiring them to park their business. Board wants Nob Hill Main Street to take the lead with action including signs directing visitors to the two paid lots and to street parking outside neighborhoods like the 48 spaces on Monte Vista Blvd near Monte Vista Elementary School. Also explore using lots like Immanuel Presbyterian at certain times. Role for NHNA: Explore actions with Main Street.

-Should NHNA organize small-scale free public programs or events in city parks such as picnics, performing arts, recreation, movie, or cultural events under CABQ Neighborhood Park Activate program?

The board wants to do this. Dominic will reach out to David Garcia, who might be able to facilitate a live music event. Other ideas included letting neighbor Brandon know about the program, as he was interested in starting a farmers’ market at Morningside Park. Gary will get him the email for the woman who used to run the farmers’ market there. It was noted that Altura Park had a pet event at their park; Rahim of the Public Safety/Quality of Life Committee volunteered to contact Aztec Animal Clinic and/or the new Route 66 pet emergency care center about possibly being involved in a similar event at Morningside Park.


-Pedestrian Study; next steps

Bill informed the board that Claude Morelli can present the results of his walkability study in May or June. The board discussed making this an outreach event, with food and a cash bar.

Taylor moved to allocate $600 for food only for an outreach event. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.

Rahim or Gary will reach out to the Lobo for June 21, 22, or 23.



-Minutes of 2022-04-06

-Treasurer’s report of 2022-05

Rahim moved to approve these; Greg seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


It was noted that the Taste of Nob Hill will take place May 21, 2022. Greg will re-emphasize the previous listserv email about this.

-Greg Weirs, District 6 Coalition

There was no District 6 Coalition meeting since the last board meeting, but D6 remains busy. Greg and the board discussed the inter-coalition council and the potential effect on NHNA of changes in the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO).

FOCUS COMMITTEE REPORTS: All community members are welcome on all committees.

Email to step up or recommend action.

-Quality of Life and Public Safety

Bill provided an update on the Lead/Coal safety brigade. Dept of Muni. Dev’t will conduct a road safety audit June 8-10. There will be 1-2 public input sessions; date and time of these is unclear. Gary will reach out to Sean Foran to find out more.

-Historic Preservation

NHNA is organizing be a tour of the 1953 Tony Edaake murals at the De Anza motor lodge on June 8, 2022.

Jeff moved to allocate $200 for refreshments; Rahim seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

More NM Register plaques are being installed. NM Historic Preservation Div has forwarded nominations for Granada Heights and Broadmoor Historic Districts to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. University Heights will hopefully be listed in the state register this summer.

-Community Engagement and Communication

Rahim discussed having some NHNA meetings on zoom.

-Newsletter Committee

Gary and Taylor will co-edit this fall, with Taylor to take over afterward. Content remains essential. The committee asked for three articles per committee, with article lists due June 6 for approval at the June 8 board meeting. Jeff volunteered to write one. Dominic will reach out to the listserv about community poems to publish.

-Urban Planning

Greg updated the board on the status of the IDO annual update and City Council meeting. The board discussed “living lots” and “safe outdoor spaces” (SOS). Greg declined to ask for a board position on the Council’s amendments at this time, but may do so later. Flora suggested that SOS be a pilot project instead of an IDO amendment. The board will follow this issue under Greg’s guidance. Another City Council meeting looms.


ADJOURN next board meeting Wed, June 8