Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

NHNA Meeting with Thomas Development (Santana Apts)

The Nob Hill Neighborhood Association will be meeting with Thomas Development (Santana Apartments) December 17, 2019.

This will be a facilitated meeting regarding the property located at 4501 Central Avenue NE. At this meeting, the applicant will present additional information promised at the October 16, 2019, meeting. There will be time for questions and concerns from neighbors.

Fact sheets have been provided by the applicant and responses from the applicant following the last meeting.

Once you read the document please respond to the board by emailing

The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate discussion between the project team and neighbors about this project, to document known existing concerns, and to negotiate resolution of concerns if possible. A summary report of this meeting will be sent to the City of Albuquerque and to all meeting participants after the meeting. The facilitator and co-facilitator are neutral parties under contract with the City of Albuquerque to provide meeting facilitation services.

Following the meeting we will be asking Nob Hill Neighborhood Association members to vote on whether or not they support the development as proposed or whether they would support it with particular changes.