Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Nob Hill Board Meeting Minutes October 7, 2019

Call to Order: Gary Eyster 6:30pm

Minutes taken by Robert Nelson (Download the minutes here)

Directors Present: Dennis Trujillo, Paulette Mastio, Shani Madden, Gary Eyster, Rahim Kassam, David Garcia, Dominic Pettine, Eliza Peralta, Lucillle Long, Dominic Peralta, Robert Nelson

Quorum: 11 of 11 directors present

Consent Agenda

Minutes of July 8th, Minutes of August 12th, Minutes of September 9th, Treasurer’s report of August 31; all deferred to be addressed once Treasurer’s Report finalized. Dominic Peralta waiting to complete trees report, balance should increase by around



Agenda: Approved as written (except for the Consent Agenda, deferred to 11/11). Motion by Gary to approve, Robert seconded. Approved 11-0.

Officers’ Reports

Dominic Peralta: Nothing to report.

Drawing for Historic Register Plaque

Board agreed by consensus that if Dennis name drawn, his wife will be considered winner since he was not Board member when name entered. Names drawn by Robert Wengrod. Winner Patrick Martin, Runner Up Gloria Rael.


Nob Hill Main Street (NHMS):

Report by NHMS President Kurt Oelsner.

Board developing working plan together for next year. Focusing on holiday initiative. Wanted to pair this with Rediscover 66 grant initiative. Money was made available from Mayor’s budget, now with ABQ Econ Development Dept. Now, money will be granted to a marketing firm that will determine marketing plan for each merchant association.

NHMS will meet 11/1/19 to determine plan for holiday initiative. Discussed problems in past with Shop and Stroll. Merchants at this time are considering more concerted promotional effort, and decoration of Central Ave and parts of Silver Ave.

There will be a harvest festival on Wellesley between Central and Silver Aves 10/19/19 3 PM to 6 PM.

Flying Star grand re-opening 11/2019.

De Anza grand re-opening to occur soon, NHMS working with DeAnza to try to develop a tour of murals in basement.

NHMS has hired new executive director: Darren Sandow (spelling?).

Dennis asked Kurt re: Rediscover 66 grant process. Kurt explained single marketing firm will decide where money goes, RFP for marketing firm will occur in January 2020.

Possibility of day event to coincide with Twinkle Light Parade discussed.

Dominic Pettine asked about CABQ covering cost of shutting down street for a second event. Kurt explained in past city has stated they will only pay for shutting down for Twinkle Light Parade.

Kurt states former Staples space is being broken down into smaller residential suites.

Lucille asked if city would offer free parking for limited time, and that mediated meeting with Santana developers conflicts with NHMS meeting.

Paulette suggested sharing NHMS meeting information to NHNA social media, and volunteered to operate NHNA social media and Next Door presence.

Kurt explained Chis Smith is Economic Resilience (?) Committee chairman for NHMS, and their focus is resilience through improving public safety.

David suggested NHMS look at doing gala fundraiser.

Kurt concluded report and left room at 7:20.

Unfinished Business

Santana Development

Mediated meeting 10/16/19 with developers and mediator payed for by CABQ at Monte Vista Church. Lucille asked if considered official meeting as part of requirement for developers, Gary said he does not think this meeting will count against us or result in fewer facilitated meetings later in the process. Shani suggested asking at meeting if if it is official. Gary will send IDO link to board members. Rahim stated limit is 65 ft plus up to 2 additional stories per IDO. Dominic Pettine suggested that we look into how to close “jewel box” retail space “loophole” that allowed other businesses to build an additional story. Gary suggested most effective way would be to engage with Councilor Davis.

(Dominic Peralta left room.)

Dominic Pettine remarked that he saw that the development may have “zero barrier entry”.

(Dominic Peralta re-entered room.)

Shani, Paulette, and Robert (director) agreed to attend the NHMS meeting.

Rahim, Gary, and Elisa agreed to attend Santana meeting (with Dennis and Dominic Pettine maybe attending).

Complete Streets Ordinance

Dominic Peralta gave recap of goal and concept of Complete Streets. States Lead/Coal has been elevated as one that is working, but is not. 50-60% higher accident rate, traffic much higher than should be. Question as to whether this has been evaluated, Patty Wilson has provided a question in this regard for the city council candidate forum.

Safe School Crossings

Awaiting Department of Municipal Development to publish the report. Dominic Peralta suggested we ask city council why taking months for report if task force concluded. Lucille moved that Gary be authorized to write letter to City Council and Mayor informing them of months waiting for report, safety concerns for our children, what is status of the report? Shani seconded. Board agreed by consensus that Dennis would edit and proof the letter.

Passed 11-0.

City Council Candidate Forum

10/10/19 6 to 8 PM at Monte Vista Church. Dominic Peralta will lead, David will run sound. Lucille will provide second table, Paulette will provide table cloths. Kurt from NHMS will provide coffee.

Discussed physical setup details. Can RSVP on NHNA website, can submit questions there or in person.

Dominic Peralta moves that we ask candidates if event can be filmed, and if so David will film and post YouTube link of event to NHNA website. Lucille seconds.

Passed 11-0.

5 minute break called by Gary at 8:08 PM.

Meeting rejoined by all directors at 8:14 PM.

New Business

Zoning Hearing Examiner

Gary reports agenda not yet posted, NHNA has not yet been notified of meeting. NHNA has not been notified of any requests in its boundaries for the Oct 15 ZHE hearing


Gary suggests Newsletter committee review/refresh the 5 Foci for new year/board.

Dominic Pettine suggests creation of Communication Committee to better tell story of Nob Hill/NHNA.

Paulette volunteers to review tools for communication, build up social media and digital presence, and suggests getting advertisers from newsletter on website. Dominic Peralta wants to ensure no legal issues with putting advertisers on website.

Lucille moves to form Communication Committee consisting of Dominic Pettine, David, and Paulette, authorizing them to develop name and scope of committee.

Motion passes 11-0

Rahim suggests that they create guidelines around intra-board communication.

Dominic Peralta asks if Greg Weirs would take part in the committee.

Gary suggests that Newsletter and Communication Committees discuss/re-develop focus areas.

Lucille reminds board that we have a mission statement.

David states he would like us to focus on future walkability.

Dominic Pettine agreed by consensus to lead Communication Committee.

Committee Reports

Annual Meeting

Dominic Peralta reports that improved planning and better way to manage door traffic needed for next year.


Dominic Peralta presents letter to board for adoption to be sent from NHNA to Mayor’s office. Dominic gives background on task force. Operational from 1/18 to 7/19. Have met with PNM, APD, CABQ, with list of needs for improvement. Have only received minutes of meetings. Mayor was supposed to respond by 10/1/19.

Rahim moves letter be developed by Dominic Peralta, Gary and Robert (director) regarding improvements required for Lead/Coal, including timeline, facts regarding safety/accidents, and episodes of communication with task force and CABQ with strong statement to mayor that the process has gone on long and produced little; we need Mayor Keller to get results.

Motion passes 11-0

District 6 Coalition

Dominic Peralta reports that meeting NHNA hosted went well.

Community Form

Tree planting clinic Sunday 10/13 at 233 Solano Dr. Dominic Pettine brought up “Tree NM” as an option for future tree planting.

Public Safety

Councilor Davis has contacted Liquor Control Officer regarding how to address 7/11 problems.

Lucille reports 10,460 calls to APD for our district for July 2019, only 18 officers assigned to respond to these calls. Discusses SE Area Command Community Policing meeting at Cesar Chavez Community Center. Attended August meeting, September meeting was not held. Also provides active shooter recommendations. Lucille will send out date for Community Policing Meeting.

Shani recounts recent auto break in experience and encourages board to keep in mind how everything board does could impact safety.

(Dominic Peralta leaves room).

CubeSmart Lighting

Gary reports that there is language in IDO update bill that would address problem. There are possible amendments that would water it down. Councilor can propose bill without amendments.

Historic Preservation

Gary reminds board of architecture walk and preservation outreach.


Need to circulate remaining Fall newsletters. Mark will take to Humble Coffee, Rahim will take to Sunport.


Slate of candidates as follows: Gary: President, Shani: Vice President, Dominic Peralta: Treasurer, Robert: Secretary.

Robert motions to vote on this slate of candidates, Dennis seconds motion.

Passes 11-0.

Director’s Announcements

Each director made remarks of thanks and hopes for new board year.

Gary suggests that we would be able to put a photo of the board on the website.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 PM.