Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Nob Hill is 100

Celebrations are in planning

On February 7, 1916, Col. D.K.B. Sellers (pictured circa 1938) and A.B. McMillen filed the plat for the University Heights subdivision of Nob Hill, opening the area for construction of homes and businesses leading to the Nob Hill of today.

Your Neighborhood Association, Nob Hill Main Street, Albuquerque Film and Media Experience at Nob Hill, Bernalillo County, and reDiscover Nob Hill have all expressed great interest in collaborating on a yearlong celebration.

Part of our celebration will be the filming and sharing of oral histories from Nob Hill tradition bearers. Students at Media Arts Collaborative Charter School have started filming histories from residents, one of whom was here as early as 1932. Local artist, Vince Gasparich, has also stepped up to film histories. If you or a friend would like to share your knowledge or stories you have heard from family members about Nob Hill ways, traditions, and places in an oral history, please let us know.

If you have family photos or mementos that would help bring our celebrations to life, please share them with us.

All are welcome to collaborate. We want people of all ages and interests. If you are part of a school or faith community, an elected leader, or just a lover of Nob Hill, please let us know what you would like to see or how you would like to participate.

We are forming an advisory group to help steer the ship and be sure that all are included. Warm thanks to those who have already stepped up to advise. To join or provide your input, email or call Gary at 991-1388.