Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

October Outreach: Monte Vista Elementary School

You are invited this Thursday, October 20, to explore how the community can help Monte Vista Elementary School continue to function as a public school.

News outlets reported recently that it was on a list for closing due to high maintenance costs of the 85 year old building. We now understand that it is not on such a list. Still, it requires major investment in systems including heating, cooling, insulation, and roof. The school has formed a preservation group to help APS take on these tasks using tools such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or others. You are invited this Thursday to meet with this group and others from the community who are concerned and who might have knowledge and skills to contribute.

Come at 6 pm to meet your neighbors. Discussions start at 6:30.

Monte Vista Christian Church, 3501 Campus Blvd NE

Contact person: Gary, 991-1388

Monte Vista Elementary School, November 1947