Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Outreach Event: Updates on the IDO from the Planning Department

3109 Central Ave NE
Monday April 29th, 6:30-8:30pm

Come out to Yanni’s, meet and catch up with your neighbors, and learn something new about your city! Appetizers provided!

Albuquerque adopted a new zoning code in the spring of 2018, through the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO). The zoning code regulates how property owners (including residential and commercial) develop, modify, and use their property.

Carrie Barkhurst of the Albuquerque Planning Department will update us on changes to the IDO, Voluntary Zone Conversions (some property owners have received a postcard regarding this), the Community Planning Area (CPA) process for localized zoning changes, and the Civic Leadership Program. She can also answer any questions you may have.