Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Proposed amendments to the Bylaws, 2023

The NHNA membership will vote on Bylaws amendments at the Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023. The amendments are necessary to comply with updates to the City of Albuquerque’s Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO). In particular, the NARO now requires that paying neighborhood association dues not be a condition of association membership or voting privileges.

See the (proposed) specific changes to the Bylaws highlighted in red.

Since its inception, the NHNA has collected dues of $10 for individuals and $20 for businesses for an annual membership, and payment of dues has been used to establish membership. The only benefit of official membership has been the ability to vote. For at least a decade and a half, the only votes have been to elect Directors and on Bylaws amendments at the Annual Meeting.

The Bylaws amendments to be considered at this year’s Annual Meeting remove all references to membership dues, and change the establishment of membership to signing a statement of affirmation of eligibility. An individual is eligible for membership if they reside, own property, or operate a business within the geographic boundaries of the Association. (Eligibility requirements are unchanged by the proposed Bylaws amendments.)

While dues are no longer required for membership, the NHNA (and other neighborhood associations) rely on their membership for financial support. The updated NARO makes clear that voluntary donations are acceptable and encouraged so long as they are not a prerequisite for association membership or voting rights. The NHNA would use such donations in the same way it has used membership dues.