Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Sector Plan Text Amendments: Input Requested

There are a number of text amendments to the Nob Hill Highland Sector Development Plan (NHHSDP) currently being considered by the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) that may affect our neighborhood significantly. The Board of Directors of the NHNA requests neighborhood input on three areas in particular:

  1. regulations for building heights, stepbacks, and facade articulation (on/near Central from Carlisle to San Mateo)
  2. parking requirements for mixed use commercial development (on/near Central from Carlisle to San Mateo)
  3. prohibition of carports and walls and fences over 3′ high in front yard setbacks in the historic districts (Lomas to Central, Girard to Morningside)

On Saturday, August 24th, the NHNA will hold information sessions on these proposed changes and gather feedback. These info sessions will be informal – come and go as you please. Info sessions will be held at SMPC Architects, 115 Amherst Dr SE (Amherst and Silver) from 10am-2pm. Please stop by to learn the specifics of these proposals and help the NHNA Board represent your position to the EPC.

More information:

Existing NHHSDP from the city website (scroll down about halfway)
EPC staff report on proposed text amendments

If you are not able to attend, please send comments to the NHNA Board of Directors.

Greg Weirs
Secretary, Nob Hill Neighborhood Association