Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Spring 2013 Newsletter is out!

Delivery of our spring newsletter is underway!

The NHNA newsletter is an all-volunteer production except for the printing. Production costs are paid for by the proceeds received from our advertisers, whose support makes it all possible, and we encourage you to patronize the businesses who have supported the NHNA year after year by financing our publication and caring about our special community. Without the meticulous efforts of our layout designer, Thomas Smith of Blue Light Design, it would not look like the professional tome that it is, but more like a semi-annual flyer. We would like to thank our community volunteer committee, who have been guiding, overseeing, and contributing to this effort for years: Spencer and Mary Beth Nelson, Jeff Gittelman, Carolina Yahne, and Dave and Kelley Corby, not to mention the other NHNA Board members, who proofread, delivered, and contributed in more ways than I can say. This is our first effort as the Board newsletter editors, and trust us, we could not have done it without all their help, and without all the neighbors who wrote articles and shared ideas. And last, but by far least, the fleet of community volunteers who hand-delivered the newsletter to about 2,800 homes and businesses within our borders. What good would all the effort do to produce the newsletter if it languished in boxes somewhere?

We welcome any help you would like to offer, including articles, suggestions, advertising, and delivery. If you would like to contribute, please write to Of course, space is limited, and editorial discretion applies, as with all publications.

Beverly Hill and Anne Acuff
(posted by Greg Weirs on behalf of the authors)