Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Thank you Neighbors, Mayor Keller & Councilor Davis

I would like to recognize the many Nob Hilleños who turned out Wednesday night  as Mayor Tim Keller talked with our association about improving our city.

Thank you to Council President Pat Davis for taking part in the discussion.

Recently these two leaders led the successful effort to discontinue sales of bottles of distilled spirits smaller than 400 ml at the Nob Hill 7-11 store. They are currently at work to get one or more pedestrian crossings of Central in Nob Hill.

Many asked thoughtful questions and promoted a good dialogue.

What Tim and Pat heard will help in their work and will sustain their interest in problems and opportunities in Nob Hill.

Please stay engaged with them and with your association. Your concerns and ideas make a difference.

Kind regards,
Gary Eyster, President
Nob Hill Neighborhood Association