Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

Upcoming Neighborhood Outreach!

Who and What: ABC to Z is an ambitious two-year project by CABQ and Bernalillo County to update the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and to integrate and simplify the city’s zoning and subdivision regulations. It will affect Nob Hill significantly, replacing current regulations including the Nob Hill Sector Plan.

Why: CABQ is requesting comments on the draft. Your neighborhood association is organizing this forum to foster discussion, to hear your ideas in order to craft comments by the association, and to encourage you to submit your informed comments individually.


At this outreach we will discuss the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), the complete rewrite of the city zoning code that reflects the Comprehensive Plan. We encourage you to look at the draft version, available at, and to bring your questions and concerns.

Where: Monte Vista Christian Church, 3501 Campus Blvd NE

When: Thursday, June 16, 2016

6 pm            Enjoy snacks and informal conversation

6:30 pm       Various association leaders will lead discussion on areas of concern and gather your input. You can bring up your own concerns and comments.

8:30 pm       Adjourn

All are welcome…Contact Person: Gary, 991-1388